Employment screening & verification
Simple, easy-to-understand, FCRA-compliant background checks.
Background check reports and more to cut down on bad hires.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) says the cost to hire a new worker is about 1.25 to 1.4 times the base salary.Set Up My Account

Our services
Reliable reports and processes to hire new employees or screen existing ones.
MVR Checks
Searches information compiled from state Departments of Motor Vehicles. Reports access 3-7 years of license data (depending on the state) and include such information as license status, suspensions or revocations
Search of database maintained by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators to ensure single license issuance nationwide. Enables employers to comply with FMCSA requirements
PSP Reports
The PSP Program provides carriers, individual drivers, and industry service providers access to commercial drivers’ safety records from the FMCSA'S Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS)
Employee Screening
We aim to help you find the best candidate for the job. With the help of our employer background checks, you can be confident that the employees you bring on board are honest and have the credentials they claim to have
Employment Verification
Finding the proper staff is one of the most crucial components of any business. Employment verification is an essential tool for companies that want to make sure their applicants have been honest in their CVs
Education Verification
We offer our clients an analysis of the candidates’ career path, their skills and attitudes. The process sometimes involves checking the candidates’ education and credentials
Drug Testing
Hire safe employees with our pre-employment drug testing program. Employees who abuse drugs are more likely to have higher rates of absenteeism, tardiness, job hopping, and workers’ compensation claims
Credit Reports
A name, date of birth and social security number based retrieval of all known credit history for an applicant. Includes all known tax liens, collections, open accounts, accounts under bad debt collection, inquiries and date of birth confirmation
Professional License Verification
Includes A Professional License Verification search that validates information provided by your candidate or prospective connection against national, state, or municipal databases. This includes their first name, last name, date of birth, sex, and any other necessary identifying characteristics.
Tenant Screening
Not all tenants pay on time. Or at all. There is a risk of facing unpleasant situations involving the tenant. Our screening carefully checks potentials tenants to reduce the chances of costly evictions and propery damage
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